Dogs wearing a current Wood Co. license will be held for 14 days. However, please do not delay in retrieving your pet.
We require that you bring proof of ownership and this may take the form of pictures, microchip, vet records, license records, registration papers, or adoption paperwork.
All stray dogs are held for at least 5 days, which is set by State Law and allows time for the owner to find them.
Additionally, all dogs over 6 months of age are required by State Law to have a dog license. If you do not have proof of such registration, the cost is $3 for Wood County residents with the exception of Vienna, where the license fee is $6.
No license registration is required for cats.
Reclaim fees help to cover the costs of the vaccinations, worming, etc. that every animal receives upon arrival. It also helps to cover some of the expense of the care your pet receives while with us. We will also offer a reduced cost of a $5 microchip for dogs reclaimed in our shelter.
Once you have been notified or confirm that your pet is in our shelter, you will be charged a daily boarding and care fee of $25 for each day you are delayed in reclaiming your pet.
If your pet required veterinary care that was necessary when found, you will be required to reimburse the Shelter for those expenses.
Also be aware that in Vienna, in particular, there are fines for allowing your dog to run loose and if they apply, you will be required to pay these fines as well. See Vienna Code Section 507.
Dog Reclaim Fee Rates:
No fee if reclaimed the same day.
First occurrence to reclaim is $25 plus the $25 daily rate.
Second occurrence to reclaim is $50 plus the $25 daily rate.
Third occurrence and thereafter is $100 plus the $25 daily rate.
If the dog is brought to the shelter by a Humane Officer, an additional $25 fee is charged.
As space is always limited in our shelter and running out of space means some animals may be euthanized to make more room for animals coming in, retrieving your lost pet can be life-saving for others. Please be responsible and check our shelter and others immediately upon your pet becoming lost.